Romain Francois, Professional R Enthusiast

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Tuesday, July 27 2010

useR! 2010

I was in useR! last week, it was great to catch up with friends, see what people are doing with R, tell people what I am doing with R, etc ... the conference was great

This year I presented with Dirk in Laurel and Hardy mode and I've uploaded our slides in my slideshare account

I also took some time to visit Washington and take a few pictures (tagged with user2010 on flickr

Wednesday, June 30 2010

Rmetrics slides

I presented Rcpp at the Rmetrics conference earlier today, this was a really good opportunity to look back at all the work Dirk and I have been commiting into Rcpp.

I've uploaded my slides here (pdf) and on slideshare :

and some pictures on flickr: