Romain Francois, Professional R Enthusiast

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Thursday, February 4 2010

RProtoBuf: protocol buffers for R

We (Dirk and I) released the initial version of our package RProtoBuf to CRAN this week. This packages brings google's protocol buffers to R

I invite you to check out the main page for protobuf to find the language definition for protocol buffers as well as tutorial for officially (i.e. by google) supported languages (python, c++ and java) as well as the third party support page that lists language bindings offered by others (including our RProtoBuf package.

Protocol buffers are a language agnostic data interchange format, based on a using a simple and well defined language. Here comes the classic example that google uses for C++, java and python tutorials.

First, the proto file defines the format of the message.

Then you need to teach this particular message to R, which is simply done by the readProtoFiles function.

> readProtoFiles( "addressbook.proto" )

Now we can start creating messages :

> person <- new( tutorial.Person, 
+     name = "John Doe", 
+     id = 1234,
+     email = "" )

And then access, modify fields of the message using a syntax extremely close to R lists

> person$email <- ""
> person$name <- "Romain Francois"

In R, protobuf messages are stored as simple S4 objects of class "Message" that contain an external pointer to the underlying C++ object. The Message class also defines methods that can be accessed using the dollar operator

> # write a debug version of message
> # this is not how it is serialized
> writeLines( person$toString() )
name: "Romain Francois"
id: 1234
email: ""

> # serialize the message to a file
> person$serialize( "somefile" )

The package already has tons of features, detailed in the vignette

> vignette( "RProtoBuf" )

.. and there is more to come

Wednesday, January 13 2010

Rcpp 0.7.2

Rcpp 0.7.2 is out, checkout Dirk's blog for details

selected highlights from this new version:

character vectors

if one wants to mimic this R code in C

> x <- c( "foo", "bar" )
one ends up with this :
SEXP x = PROTECT( allocVector( STRSXP, 2) ) ;
SET_STRING_ELT( x, 0, mkChar( "foo" ) ) ;
SET_STRING_ELT( x, 1, mkChar( "bar" ) ) ;
return x ;

Rcpp lets you express the same like this :

CharacterVector x(2) ;
x[0] = "foo" ; 
x[1] = "bar" ;

or like this if you have GCC 4.4 :

CharacterVector x = { "foo", "bar" } ;

environments, functions, ...

Now, we try to mimic this R code in C :
rnorm( 10L, sd = 100 )
You can do one of these two ways in Rcpp :
Environment stats("package:stats") ;
Function rnorm = stats.get( "rnorm" ) ;
return rnorm( 10, Named("sd", 100 ) ) ;

or :

Language call( "rnorm", 10, Named("sd", 100 ) ) ;
return eval( call, R_GlobalEnv ) ;

and it will get better with the next release, where you will be able to just call call.eval() and stats["rnorm"].

Using the regular R API, you'd write these liks this :

SEXP stats = PROTECT( R_FindNamespace( mkString("stats") ) ) ;
SEXP rnorm = PROTECT( findVarInFrame( stats, install("rnorm") ) ) ;
SEXP call  = PROTECT( LCONS( rnorm, CONS(ScalarInteger(10), CONS(ScalarReal(100.0), R_NilValue)))) ;
SET_TAG( CDDR(call), install("sd") ) ;
SEXP res = PROTECT( eval( call, R_GlobalEnv ) );
return res ;

or :

SEXP call  = PROTECT( LCONS( install("rnorm"), CONS(ScalarInteger(10), CONS(ScalarReal(100.0), R_NilValue)))) ;
SET_TAG( CDDR(call), install("sd") ) ;
SEXP res = PROTECT( eval( call, R_GlobalEnv ) );
return res ;

Friday, December 11 2009

new R package : bibtex

I've pushed to CRAN the package bibtex package

The package defines the read.bib function that reads a file in the bibtex format. The code is based on bibparse

The read.bib function generates an object of class citationList, just like utils::citation

Tuesday, September 8 2009

new R package : ant

The ant package has been released to CRAN yesterday. As discussed in previous posts in this blog (here and here), the ant R package provides an R-aware version of the ant build tool from the apache project.

The package contains an R script that can be used to invoke ant with enough plumbing so that it can use R code during the build process. Calling the script is further simplified with the ant function included in the package.

$ Rscript -e "ant::ant()"

The simplest way to take advantage of this package is to add it to the Depends list of yours, include a java source tree somewhere in your package tree (most likely somewhere in the inst tree) with a build.xml file, and include a configure and script at the root of the package that contains something like this:


cd inst/java_src
"${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript" -e "ant::ant()"
cd ../..

This will be further illustrated with the demo package helloJavaWorld in future posts

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