Romain Francois, Professional R Enthusiast

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Monday, February 2 2009

RGG#147, RGG#148: correlation matrices gone wild

Thanks to Kevin Wright's corrgram package, here are two nex graphics for the graph gallery. graph_147.png graph_148.png

RGG#146: multipanel geographic lattice plot

graph 146 from Karl Hufthammer has landed on r graph gallery. graph_146.png

RGG#145: image profiles by Detlev Reymann

I have just posted graph 145 into r graph gallery. Image Profiles by Detlev Reymann. graph_145.png

Nested: support for editing multiple languages files in jedit

jedit usually makes a good job of editing files with various languages in it, for example jsp files contain some java code, sweave files contain some R code, brew templates contain R code, R code might contain XML code (if you use the R4X package, but we'll get to this one some other time). Unfortunately, because jedit uses the same color styles for all languages, you don't get so much of a visual aid to tell you that you switched languages, enters Nested

Nested is a simple jedit plugin that paints the background of a code chunk differently if this code is not coming from the same mode as the mode of the buffer, and the color is left to the user's choice. Here is an example with some java code within a JSP file, the pink background around the java statement comes from the Nested plugin.

The colours are controlled by a file residing on the plugin directory that looks like this :


but you can also use the Nested dockable window to control things


Java code will appear in pink inside a jsp file, java code will appear green inside jaxx files, ... and you can click on the colour if you want to change it to something else

When you open a file that contains sub-languages, an entry will automatically be inserted in the settings if it does not exist yet, in that case, the colour used is the same as the background color of the view, so that by default nothing changes.

Friday, January 30 2009

jaxx mode for jedit

jaxx lets you write Swing user interfaces using XML tags instead of raw java code. I've written a quick jedit mode file for jaxx so that it is a bit nicer to write jaxx code in jedit. Basically, it write paint code inside script tags as java code and code inside style tags as CSS. It would need a bit of work to deal with data binding and the special jaxx css, but it's a start.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE MODE SYSTEM "xmode.dtd">

      DELEGATE="java::MAIN" HASH_CHAR="&lt;">
      DELEGATE="css::MAIN" HASH_CHAR="&lt;">


Don't forget to add this line to you catalog file:
  <MODE NAME="jaxx"   FILE="jaxx.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.jaxx"  />

graph 144 on graph gallery and plans for the future of the gallery

I've just uploaded graph 144 by Barry Rowlingson in the graph gallery. graph_144.png I has been a while since I last uploaded a graph in there, mainly because the process of adding a new graph is taking some time and is not that much automated. Many people have sent me suggestion graphics and eventually I will add them ... I promise. I have the intention of reworking the website so that it will be easier to maintain and other people can get involved, for that I will start by clean the php code behind it and release it into r-forge. For example, I'd like the process of adding a graph to be a bit more community driven instead of just being me selection graph that look good. watch this space.

Friday, January 23 2009

R wrapper in open turns

This is an attempt to create a wrapper for openturns using R. This is based on the wrapper template called wrapper_calling_shell_command available with openturns and somewhat inspired from the scilab example. Wrappers allow you to call an external program as the function through which you propagate uncertainty with openturns, so that you can write you function in the language you are familiar with (R here) but still take advantage of open turns. This was done in fedora with R and open turns installed (see this post for how to install open turns on a fedora 10 machine).
The first thing we need to do is to grab the template from the installed open turns.
$ mkdir ~/opwrappers
$ cp -fr /usr/local/share/openturns/WrapperTemplates/wrapper_calling_shell_command ~/opwrappers/rwrapper
$ cd ~/opwrappers/rwrapper/
$ ll
total 300
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain     27 2009-01-23 11:54 AUTHORS
-rwxr-xr-x 1 romain romain   1304 2009-01-23 11:54 bootstrap
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain 199260 2009-01-23 11:54 ChangeLog
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    216 2009-01-23 11:54
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   1594 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain  18002 2009-01-23 11:54 COPYING
-rwxr-xr-x 1 romain romain   1794 2009-01-23 11:54 customize
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain   9498 2009-01-23 11:54 INSTALL
drwxr-xr-x 2 romain romain   4096 2009-01-23 11:54 m4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain    571 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    447 2009-01-23 11:54 myCFunction.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    455 2009-01-23 11:54 myCFunction.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain      0 2009-01-23 11:54 NEWS
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    925 2009-01-23 11:54 README
-rwxrwxr-x 1 romain romain    435 2009-01-23 12:03 rwrapper.R
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   3722 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   1442 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   9349 2009-01-23 12:42 wrapper.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain     27 2009-01-23 11:54 AUTHORS
The first thing to do is to customize the wrapper so that it is called rwrapper instead of the default wcode. This is achieved by the customize script:
$ ./customize rwrapper
The files myCFunction.* are useless and you can remove them at that point, we won't need the code_C1.c file either since we are going to write an R script instead.
$ rm myCFunction.* 
$ rm code_C1.c
$ ll
total 288
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain     27 2009-01-23 11:54 AUTHORS
-rwxr-xr-x 1 romain romain   1304 2009-01-23 11:54 bootstrap
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain 199260 2009-01-23 11:54 ChangeLog
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    216 2009-01-23 11:54
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   1594 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain  18002 2009-01-23 11:54 COPYING
-rwxr-xr-x 1 romain romain   1794 2009-01-23 11:54 customize
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain   9498 2009-01-23 11:54 INSTALL
drwxr-xr-x 2 romain romain   4096 2009-01-23 11:54 m4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain    571 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain      0 2009-01-23 11:54 NEWS
-rw-r--r-- 1 romain romain    925 2009-01-23 11:54 README
-rwxrwxr-x 1 romain romain    435 2009-01-23 12:03 rwrapper.R
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   3722 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   1442 2009-01-23 12:42
-rw-rw-r-- 1 romain romain   9349 2009-01-23 12:42 wrapper.c
Next, we need to write the R script that does the actual work, it needs to grab input file and output file, read data from the input file and write data to the output file. Something like that :
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# grab arguments
argv <- commandArgs( TRUE )
datafile <- argv[1]
outfile  <- argv[2] 

# read data from data file 
rl <- readLines( datafile )
extract <- function( index = 1 ){
  rx <- sprintf( "^(I%d *= *)(.*)$", index )
  as.numeric( gsub( rx, "\\2", grep(rx, rl, value = TRUE ) ) ) 
x1 <- extract( 1 )
x2 <- extract( 2 )
x3 <- extract( 3 )

out <- x1 + x2 + x3
cat( "O1 = ", out, sep = "", file = outfile )

Next, we need to modify the file so that the make install step copies the rwrapper.R file into the wrappers/bin directory later.

wrapperdir          = $(prefix)/wrappers

wcode_la_SOURCES    = wrapper.c
wcode_la_LDFLAGS    = -module -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0

XMLWRAPPERFILE      = rwrapper.xml
wrapper_DATA        = $(XMLWRAPPERFILE)

execbindir          = $(prefix)/bin
execbin_DATA        = rwrapper.R
Then, we need to make a few changes to the file. Here is the definition of the output variable:
        <variable id="O1" type="out">
          <comment>Output 1</comment>

You also need to add the subst tag in the output file definition (at least with this version of openturns) :
      <!-- An output file -->
      <file id="result" type="out">
        <name>The output result file</name>
and then change the command that invokes the script as follows:
    <command>Rscript @prefix@/bin/rwrapper.R code_C1.result</command>

Download the full file Once this is done (you can grab a tar.gz of the wrapper at that stage) , you can compile the wrapper by following these steps:
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/romain/openturns --with-openturns=/usr/local
$ make 
$ make install
If all goes well, you should have a rwrapper.R file in the ~/openturns/bin directory and a file rwrapper.xml in the ~/openturns/wrappers directory
Before trying the wrapper, we need to copy the input file in the directory where we are going to run openturns (say /tmp)
$ cp /tmp
$ cd /tmp
Now we are good to go and can start using the wrapper from open turns:
$ python
>>> from openturns import *
>>> p = NumericalPoint( (1,2,3))
>>> f = NumericalMathFunction( "rwrapper" )
>>> print f(p )
class=NumericalPoint name=Unnamed dimension=1 implementation=class=NumericalPointImplementation name=Unnamed dimension=1 values=[6]
>>> 1+2+3
The drawback of this approach is that each time the function needs to be evaluated, a new R session will be launched by Rscript, depending on the number of iterations we want to do this can affect seriously the run time of the study. A way to get around this is to use a single R session and let the wrapper communicate with it. I can see at least two ways to do it:
  • by writing the function in python and let python communicate with R (using rpy for instance)
  • by writing a c wrapper that would initialize a connection to an R server when the function is created, and call it whenever the function needs to be called
I'll try to tell these stories in another post

Mailing list for the power editor

I have just created a mailing list for users of the powereditor plugin.

Thursday, January 22 2009

Code2html speaks Latex too

For highlighting code inside latex documents there are several options:
This might be a judgement call, but I don't find the latex output of listings or highlight to be visually pleasing enough, but maybe it is just a lack of understanding on how to customize them. Anyway, jedit has the Code2HTML plugin which does a good job of translating the buffer being edited in jedit into html markup, preserving pretty much everything that appear on the jedit text area. This takes advantage of jedit mode files which offers a great deal of flexibility, including nested languages, such as javascript/php, or R and Sweave if you have the right mode files.
So I had a look into the code of the Code2HTML plugin which is simple enough, and have basically done a big s/html/latex/g to support latex output (I realize this is not the best option and I should probably abstract things out so that it would be easier to add new formats: ansi, svg, ...) but it does the trick for now. Here is a screenshot of an example file edited in jedit: ScreenshotJedit.png And a screenshot of the pdf file ScreenshotPdf.png Here are the relevant files if you want to try it out: Next steps:
  • do something about the gutter
  • figure out how to invoke that from the command line
  • write a sweave driver that would call it so that R code appears formatted in sweave documents

Wednesday, January 21 2009

python code in sweave document

It would be great if we could not only use R or S in sweave code chunks but also some other languages such as python for example. Why would you want that, well python has some additional graphics capabilities R does not have, some software is written in python but you still want to write your document in sweave, ... Here is a first attempt, obviously not complete.

A custom sweave driver

The first trick is to write a custom sweave driver, based on the basic RweaveLatex driver which does something with the content of a chunk when the engine is set to python :

driver <- RweaveLatex() 
runcode <- driver$runcode
driver$runcode <- function(object, chunk, options){
if( options$engine == "python" ){
driver$writedoc( object, c("\\begin{python}", chunk, "\\end{python}") )
} else{
runcode( object, chunk, options )
Sweave( "python.Rnw", driver = driver )
The only thing the driver does is convert python code chunks into a python environment, so that this in the Rnw file:
print "hello"
print "world"
becomes that in the tex file:
print "hello"
print "world"

Process the python code

Then you need to install the python package into your texmf tree and texhash (just google around if you don't know what it means). The python package defines the python environment so that when you compile the tex file, latex calls python and brings back the output of the python script. The catch is that you need to compile your tex file with the option -shell-escape.
$ pdflatex -shell-escape python.tex

Beyond the simple trick

So we can get hello world from python, this needs more thinking to enable:
  • production of graphics from python with a fig option, just like you do it in R, see this for example
  • some way to share the data between R and python so that variables created in the R world could be used in the python world and vice-versa, I don't know the best way to do that at the moment, but from the  top of my head we could either use rpy for the communication or the database that gets generated by the cacheSweave package

Monday, January 19 2009

Install open turns on fedora 10


After spending quite some time to install openturns on my fedora box, I feel I should post about it to spare the time of other people. The install page advertises for a forthcoming support for RPM packages available soon (we all know the real definition of soon don't we : it means "we don't need it for ourselves, so if you want it, do it", which is fair enough).

If I had more time, I would learn how to make rpms, and provide one for openturns, but this does not seem necessary for now as openturns installs fine from source, at least if you go round a few things. This post is absolutely not a replacement for the real install notes but maybe guidelines on how to read these notes from a fedora perspective.


Grab the tar.gz from sourceforge and unzip it somewhere.


This is what the install notes say :

Till 0.12.1 included:

* GCC C, C++ and Fortran compilers (>= 3.3.5 except 4.0.x series, tested with 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 4.1.1, 4.1.2 & 4.2.2) * Python interpreter (>= 2.4.x) * R statistical language (>= 2.0) * Xerces-C XML parser (>= 2.6.0, tested with 2.7.0) * BOOST C++ library (>= 1.33.1) * LAPACK Linear Algebra library (>= 3.0) * Qt (3.3.x) * python-qt if you want to use the embedded image viewer ViewImage (TUI only)

Since 0.12.2:

* GCC C, C++ and Fortran compilers (>= 3.3.5 except 4.0.x series, tested with 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.2 & 4.3.1) * Python interpreter (>= 2.4.x) * R statistical language (>= 2.0) * Libxml2 XML library (>= 2.6.27) * LAPACK Linear Algebra library (>= 3.0) * python-qt if you want to use the embedded image viewer ViewImage (TUI only)

Here is what I have done on my fedora machine: python and gcc are already installed unless you really want them not to be, so nothing to do here, R is easy to compile from source, but you can get it with yum as well (yum install R)

For the other software, here is my list of yum calls :

# yum install -y xerces-c-devel
# yum install -y boost-devel
# yum install -y lapack-devel
# yum install -y qt3-devel
# yum install -y PyQt-devel
# yum install -y libxml2-devel

I also installed rpy and graphviz to have optional features as well:

# yum install -y rpy
# yum install -y graphviz-devel

After that, the ./configure call should be ok. Here is the summary I got which sounds good enough.

R Packages

Now you can install the R package rotRPackage which comes with openturns as described in the install page

# R CMD INSTALL utils/rotRPackage_1.4.4.tar.gz

You also need the sensitivity package, but at the time of writing the sensitivity package changed some of its API and openturns did not propagate, so you have to install version 1.3-1 as opposed to the current version.

The other problem I ran into was that I am using a custom ~/.Rprofile file which contains startup instructions such as requireing R packages, this caused the test cases of openturns to fail because the expected output was mixed with the standard error stream (which is where require writes its messages). So at least for running openturns tests, I have modified my .Rprofile file so that it does not load packages or write anything to the standard error stream.

Installing openturns

When this is ready, you can do :

$ make   # good opportunity to make some coffee while it compiles 
$ make check # everything should be ok
# make install
$ make installcheck # should be ok too

Loading the python module

Reading the FAQ is a good way to save yourself some time, specifically when trying to load the openturns python module. I have added these two lines to my .bash_profile file :


Then, you can start python and start using openturns, which is another story ...

$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 30 2008, 15:41:38)
[GCC 4.3.2 20080917 (Red Hat 4.3.2-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from openturns import *

Sunday, January 18 2009

Structure Matcher for brackets in R scripts (2)

A few coding hours in the train later, I've added new features to the structure matcher for R scripts. Basically I've been working to improve the matching of closing curly brackets in particular cases. This is how it proceeds: when you close a curly bracket, it looks for the corresponding opening bracket (thanks to the TextUtilities class), then looks if there is a closing round bracket just before, finds the matching opening round bracket, identifies which word is before. Then

  • if this word is one of if, for, while, repeat or function the macth is considered to start from the word up to the closing curly bracket
  • Otherwise, the match is just the closing curly bracket as usual

... but it is probably better to show some screenshots to get a better idea:








Wednesday, January 14 2009

Structure Matcher for brackets in R scripts

It is often useful when you close a bracket to know which bracket is the corresponding opening bracket, for this jedit has the StructureMatcher interface and the default implementation gives you this information, by surrounding the opening bracket when you type its associated closing bracket.

On the other hand, the XML plugin gives you a more useful information when closing an XML tag. Let's see it in action with this simple XML file from the w3c


On the left, the caret is within the </note> closing tag and so the entire opening <note> tag is being highlighted. Similarly, on the right, the caret is within the opening <heading> tag and consequently the closing </heading> gets highlighted. This is particularly useful when editing xml documents.

So the idea was to have the same sort of behaviour for R scripts. Here's a start, but I also plan to do something with the curly brackets to deal with for loops, function definitions and various apply calls, ... (see that post)

structurematch.png structurematch2.png

Monday, January 12 2009

R code completion in sweave chunks

In this post I said that it would be useful to add completion of R code within a sweave chunk, and today I finally found the time to play with it.

Completion of R code within a Sweave chunk

You need revision 195 at least to get this going.

Friday, January 9 2009

Code Completion for R scripts

Standard Completion

The power editor supports completion of R code by relying on the CompletePlus function in the svMisc package. This function uses the completion engine that comes with R (formerly implemented in the rcompgen package and incorporated in utils in recent versions of R), and looks in documentation files for additional information related to each finding, for example when completing "rnorm( ", the CompletePlus function looks into the help page for rnorm and retrieves the description of each of the arguments :

R> require( svMisc )
Loading required package: svMisc
R> CompletePlus( "rnorm(" )
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "n = " "rnorm"
[2,] "mean = " "rnorm"
[3,] "sd = " "rnorm"
[1,] "number of observations. If 'length(n) > 1', the length is taken to be the number required."
[2,] "vector of means."
[3,] "vector of standard deviations."

The power editor plugin uses this information to display completion popups:

Completion of Colors

In special cases, instead of argument or function names, the engine will complete for colours using the current R palette :

or names of colors if you started to type a quote character

here the user started to type gre so the completion engine looks for colors having a name that matches the pattern gre. This is basically obtained as follows:

> head( grep( "gre", colors(), value = T ) )
[1] "darkgreen" "darkgrey" "darkolivegreen" "darkolivegreen1"
[5] "darkolivegreen2" "darkolivegreen3"

Line Type completion

Usually the lty argument is associated with a line type, the completion engine suggests the basic line types as documented in ?par

Plot Character Completion

Same with the pch argument and the plotting character.

Monday, January 5 2009

Install the power editor plugin



You need to have the workbench installed on your machine, meaning you need the biocep.jar file to be somewhere you know. Instructions on how to get it and install it can be found on the biocep page. Since the power editor follows the developpment of the workbench closely, I would recommend to build the biocep.jar from source, which can be done by retrieveing the biocep project from r-forge :
$ svn checkout svn://
$ cd biocep
$ ant distrib
For this to work you need java (>= 1.5) and ant installed. This should create a file biocep.jar that you can copy wherever you like. On my linux machine, I usually put a copy at "/opt/biocep/biocep.jar"

java and ant

the plugin is written in java, so you need a JDK (at least 1.5) installed and also ant.

R packages

The svTools package (from the sciviews) project contains most of the R side code needed by the plugin. At the time of writing, this package is not on CRAN, so you need to install it (and its dependencies) from r-forge:
  • svTools : install.packages("svTools",repos="")
  • operators: install.packages("operators",repos="")
  • svMisc: install.packages("svMisc",repos="")

Retrieve the project from r-forge

You can checkout the biocep-editor project from r-forge by :
$ svn checkout svn://
$ cd biocep-editor
Once the project is retrieved, you need to edit the file and rename it
The most important properties to edit are "biocep.dir" and "install.dir" :
  • biocep.dir is the name of the directory where the biocep.jar file is located (/opt/biocep in my settings)
  • install.dir is the name of the directory where the Editor plugin will be installed, it will be something like "C:\Documents and Settings\romain\RWorkbench\plugins" on windows and something like "/home/romain/RWorkbench/plugins/Editor" on linux
You should not need to modify other properties as default values are suitable to build the plugin.

Two "modes" of installation

Dependent mode

The power editor plugin mainly consists of jedit (and jedit plugins) slightly patched so that it can be used as a view of the workbench instead of a main application. The plugin has been developped so that it can coexist with another installed copy of jedit and share the same set of plugins, this is the dependent mode of install because it depends on an installed copy of jedit. Note however that it will only work with versions of jedit greater or equal to 4.3pre16.

The ant targets "installDependent" and "zipDependent" can be used to install or create a zip of the plugin. Since with this mode, we are going to depend on another installed version of jedit, we need to let the plugin know about this version, this is achieved by modifying the file "" with appropriate values of the two properties :
  • jedit.home: this is the directory where jedit is installed. A "jedit.jar" file must live in this directory along with directories such as modes and jars. I usually install jedit in the directory "/opt/jedit" on my linux machines and under "C:\Program Files\jEdit" on my windows machines.
  • jedit.settings: this is the settings directory of jedit, containing jedit plugins (in the jars directory), user mode files (in the modes) directory, ... on my linux machines, it usually is "/home/romain/.jedit" and on my windows machines "C:\Documents and Settings\romain\.jedit"
Once this file is edited, installing the plugin is achieved with the "installDependent" ant target:
$ ant installDependent

Standalone mode

However, you do not need to have jedit installed for the plugin to work at all, if you do not have jedit installed otherwise, you will use the standalone mode of installation of the plugin. In this mode, you do not need to edit the file since a dummy one will be generated by ant, simply build the plugin using the "installStandalone" target:
ant installStandalone

Check that the plugin is installed

After succesful installation, the workbench should contain the menu item "Plugins > Editor > Power Editor"

Wednesday, December 31 2008

Edit Sweave files with the workbench

Edit Sweave Files with the Workbench

Sweave is a very useful combination of LaTeX and R together in one document. You can find more information about sweave by visiting its homepage or by simply typing ?Sweave at your R command line.
This post demonstrates some of the features of the Power Editor plugin for the biocep workbench when editing Sweave files, we will see other features in subsequent posts.

The LaTeXTools plugin for jedit gave a good starting point for Sweave integration as most of the parsing of LaTeX syntax is directly borrowed from it, however the plugin could not directly cope with the mixture of latex and R in the same document, so there is a small bit of coding around it to get things working. Also the sidekick tree for latex gives a too restrictive set of icons for the sections of the file, so some coding was needed to get a nice R icon to represent a sweave code chunk.

Here is a screenshot of the workbench when editing a sweave file, this example is the grid vignette, which you may find by typing :
R> vignette( "grid", package = "grid")$file

You can see the sidekick view on the right showing a browsable outline of the document. The editor and the sidekick view are synchronized so when you click on a node of the tree, the editor will scroll to the appropriate location and when you move to some other part of the document, the tree will update to show the location being edited.

The Power Editor plugin also allows to visually identify documentation and code parts of the document as you can see in the following screenshot where Sweave code chunks are being highlighted with a light blue background.


To get the features documented here, you need both updated versions of biocep and the Power Editor Plugin (at least revision 194). I will do an other post about how to install these things.
You also need R and Sweave mode files (I still need to find a way to embed them in the plugin) saved in your jedit settings directory with the following lines in your catalog file :

<MODE NAME="R"    FILE="r.xml" 
FIRST_LINE_GLOB="#!/*{R,Rscript}" />
<MODE NAME="sweave"   
FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.{R,S}nw" />

Coming Next

It would be nice to :
  • allow preview of graphics when fig=TRUE is set, I need to understand some of the packages providing cache feature for Sweave
  • have R completion when inside the code chunk , see this post
  • completion of the options used by the sweave driver
  • actions to weave and tangle the current file
  • jump between sweave code chunks
  • integrate this as a view
  • support the html flavour of sweave

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