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Sunday, March 24 2013
By romain francois on Sunday, March 24 2013, 16:52
This blog is moving to blog.r-enthusiasts.com. The new one is powered by wordpress and gets a subdomain of r-enthusiasts.com
See you there
Monday, February 18 2013
By romain francois on Monday, February 18 2013, 08:37
I'm trying to make improvements to the R Graph Gallery, I'm looking for suggestions from users of the website.
I've started a question on the website's facebook page. Please take a few seconds to vote to existing improvements possibilities and perhaps offer some of your own ideas.
Monday, February 4 2013
By romain francois on Monday, February 4 2013, 11:59 - bibtex
The version 0.3-5 of the bibtex package is on CRAN. This fixes a corner case issue about empty bib files thanks to Kurt Hornik.
Monday, November 5 2012
By romain francois on Monday, November 5 2012, 16:24 - Rcpp
The purpose of Rcpp modules has always been to make it easy to expose C++ functions and classes to R. Up to now, Rcpp modules did not have a way to declare inheritance between C++ classes. This is now fixed in the development version, and the next version of Rcpp will have a simple mechanism to declare inheritance.
Consider this simple example, we have a base class Shape with two virtual methods (area and contains) and two classes Circle and Rectangle) each deriving from Shape and representing a specific shape.
The classes might look like this:
And we can expose these classes to R using the following module declarative code:
It is worth noticing that:
R code that uses these classes looks like this:
Thursday, October 25 2012
By romain francois on Thursday, October 25 2012, 10:25 - Rcpp
Rcpp modules just got more flexible (as of revision 3838 of Rcpp, to become 0.9.16 in the future).
modules have allowed exposing C++ classes for some time now, but developpers had to declare custom wrap and as specializations if they wanted their classes to be used as return type or argument type of a C++ function or method. This led to writing boilerplate code. The newest devel version allows for syntax like this:
The only thing the developper has to do is to declare the class using the macro RCPP_EXPOSED_CLASS. This will declare the appropriate class traits that Rcpp is using for internal implementations of as and wrap
One the example we can see three examples of the new functionality:
Sunday, January 15 2012
By romain francois on Sunday, January 15 2012, 18:37
So, let's crawl some data out of facebook using R. Don't get too excited though, this is just a weekend whatif project. Anyway, so for example, I want to download some photos where I'm tagged.
First, we need an access token from facebook. I don't know how to get this programmatically, so let's get one manually, log on to facebook and then go to the Graph API Explorer
Grab the access token and save it into a variable in R
access_token <- "************..."
Now we need to study the graph api to figure out the url we need to build to do what we want to do, e.g. here we want "me/photos". I've wrapped this into an R function:
And then we can use it:
That's it, I told you it was not that exciting, but it was still worth playing with ...
Wednesday, December 14 2011
By romain francois on Wednesday, December 14 2011, 13:35 - Rcpp
Here comes yet another sequel of the code optimization problem from the R wiki, still using Rcpp, but with a different strategy this time
Essentially, my previous version (15) was using stringstream although we don't really need its functionality and it was slowing us down
Also, the characters "i" and "." are always on the same position so we can assign them once and for all
So without further ado, here is attempt 17:
With quite a speedup from attempt 15:
test replications elapsed relative 2 generateIndex17(n) 20 9.363 1.000000 1 generateIndex15(n) 20 17.795 1.900566
Saturday, November 26 2011
By romain francois on Saturday, November 26 2011, 10:50 - R package
The Google Open Source Programs Office sponsored me to create the new int64 package that has been released to CRAN a few days ago. The package has been mentionned in an article in the open source blog from Google.
The package defines classes int64 and uint64 that represent signed and unsigned 64 bit integer vectors. The package also allows conversion of several types (integer, numeric, character, logical) to 64 bit integer vectors, arithmetic operations as well as other standard group generic functions, and reading 64 bit integer vectors as a data.frame column using int64 or uint64 as the colClasses argument.
The package has a vignette that details its features, several examples are given in the usual help files. Once again, I've used RUnit for quality insurance about the package code
int64 has been developped so that 64 bit integer vectors are represented using only R data structures, i.e data is not represented as external pointers to some C++ object. Instead, each 64 bit integer is represented as a couple of regular 32 bit integers, each of them carrying half the bits of the underlying 64 bit integer. This was a choice by design so that 64 bit integer vectors can be serialized and used as data frame columns.
The package contains C++ headers that third party packages can used (via LinkingTo: int64) to use the C++ internals. This allows creation and manipulation of the objects in C++. The internals will be documented in another vignette for package developpers who wish to use the internals. For the moment, the main entry point is the C++ template class LongVector.
I'm particularly proud that Google trusted me to sponsor the development of int64. The next versions of packages Rcpp and RProtoBuf take advantage of the facilities of int64, e.g. Rcpp gains wrapping of C++ containers of 64 bit integers as R objects of classes int64 and uint64 and RProtoBuf improves handling of 64 bit integers in protobuf messages. More on this later
Thursday, November 10 2011
By romain francois on Thursday, November 10 2011, 18:32
Tony Breyal woke up an old code optimization problem in this blog post, so I figured it was time for an Rcpp based solution
This solutions moves down Henrik Bengtsson's idea (which was at the basis of attempt 10) down to C++. The idea was to call sprintf less than the other solutions to generate the strings "001", "002", "003", ...
We can benchmark this version using the rbenchmark package:
> library(rbenchmark) > n <- 2000 > benchmark( + generateIndex10(n), + generateIndex11(n), + generateIndex12(n), + generateIndex13(n), + generateIndex14(n), + columns = + c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative"), + order = "relative", + replications = 20 + ) test replications elapsed relative 5 generateIndex14(n) 20 21.015 1.000000 3 generateIndex12(n) 20 22.034 1.048489 4 generateIndex13(n) 20 23.436 1.115203 2 generateIndex11(n) 20 23.829 1.133904 1 generateIndex10(n) 20 30.580 1.455151 >
Sunday, October 30 2011
By romain francois on Sunday, October 30 2011, 10:05 - Rcpp
Tuesday, October 11 2011
By romain francois on Tuesday, October 11 2011, 15:18
Following last post about partnership with R Bloggers, Tal and I have added a small widget to the gallery main page to present links to recent posts on R Bloggers
It uses the wordpress api to grab information about the rss feed generated by R Bloggers and displays links one at a time using the same jquery magic as we've used in the widget that was integrated in R Bloggers a few days ago
Saturday, October 8 2011
By romain francois on Saturday, October 8 2011, 11:44
The R Bloggers website, maintained by Tal Galili, aggregates blogs (including mine) from many people of the R community.
Tal and I have been wondering about how to tight R Bloggers with the gallery, supporting each other's website. To that extent, I've made a quick and dirty widget, using the jquery cycle plugin that is now on the right sidebar of R bloggers, inside the related sites box.
The widget first chooses 20 items from the gallery at random, and then cycles through them.
This is an initial design made specifically for R Bloggers, but it is quite likely that I will improve on this and make the widget more generic so that other website can use it to advertise for the gallery.
Monday, October 3 2011
By romain francois on Monday, October 3 2011, 11:05
I've added a twitter search widget that searches for the #rgraphgallery hashtag or the url of the gallery on the front page.
Friday, September 30 2011
By romain francois on Friday, September 30 2011, 23:46
I've added a PayPal button into the graph, just in case people want to help the development of the website
Thursday, September 22 2011
By romain francois on Thursday, September 22 2011, 20:31
I've just created a facebook page about the R Graph Gallery
I hope this will improve the experience of the website by making it more social, for example, I anticipate that people will share their own graphs by sending a picture on the facebook page wall
As part of this, I've added the usual "find us on facebook" widget on the home page of the gallery
Wednesday, September 21 2011
By romain francois on Wednesday, September 21 2011, 21:42
Following up on yesterday's post about facebook like box, I've added some more social things into the gallery. The main page gains a google plus "plus one" button, and each graph page now has a +1 button, a facebook like button, and a facebook comment box
Tuesday, September 20 2011
By romain francois on Tuesday, September 20 2011, 22:44
I've added facebook like button in the home page of the R Graph Gallery and on each image page, i.e. this one which I "like".
Friday, April 29 2011
By romain francois on Friday, April 29 2011, 19:23
Dirk and I gave a full day Rcpp workshop yesterday in Chicago before the R in Finance conference.
The pdfs of the slides are available here: part 1 (intro), part 2 (details), part 3 (modules) and part 4 (applications)
Sunday, April 17 2011
By romain francois on Sunday, April 17 2011, 09:25 - Rcpp
The Journal of Statistical Software published our Rcpp article
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